Christ, My Core, My Foundation, My All

Let's get a few things straightened out here. 

In terms of photography, I understand that I have had a setback regarding the equipment I use. From a Nikon D80 and an F65 with Nikkor 18-200mm and 50mm lenses, and with an SB-600 flash, I have been reduced to my iPhone 4 and my father's Canon Powershot. I understand how this could be a set back in terms of what I am capable of producing, but now I declare that I will have a Fujifilm X-T1 with 18-135mm, 35mm f1.4 and 56mm f1.2 lenses, with an additional battery and a flash. It's coming.

With regards to my wedding, I understand that we have barely begun planning in the eyes of others, and according to the standards of those who got married before. However, I declare that help is on the way, and I know that everything will fall in place exactly the way we want it, the best way for Paola and I. It's coming.

With regards to my ministry, I understand that we all go through a phase where we try to find our exact place and role in the church. There have been many tests and trials that have more or less guided me to some attributes that The Lord has placed for me in particular, but there seems to be more out there that has yet to be learned. Consequently there is more that needs to be unlearned and more that needs to be relearned. Kuya John advised that it helps to hear a prophetic word at this time, especially considering that I'm turning 30. Turning 30 is a milestone for any person in the sense that things become more hard wired and much more will be accomplished. These details will be defined. It's coming. 

Regarding my role in the house I reside in, I am to honor my mother and I am to be the gatekeeper of the house, ensuring its security. The house is secure. The lot and building is under my name and all taxes and obligations are paid. The house and all who live under it must continue to be reminded of the absolute and unfailing love of The Lord, a responsibility which I believe should be shouldered by both nurturer and gatekeeper. The house still needs to be cleaned, its water system needs to be repaired, and every blessing within to be distributed accordingly and to the best of its capability. Harmony will be restored. It's coming. 

Regarding my personal life, I have recently come to the belief that I should no longer find my meaning in achieving. I should no longer live for the likes, or for the blessings, or for the love of others or or God's love. I have repented and as my mindset has changed, the rest of my reality follows. It's coming. 

In the face of all this and every other facet and perspective concerning my being, one thing has always been true. One thing will always be true: that I can never be separated from the absolute love of God because of what The Lord Jesus Christ has done for me at the cross. He died for my shame, and He lived for my gain, all for the glory of His name. This hasn't come. This love is here. Now. It is the cornerstone, the foundation of my being. The life I live is no longer my life but that of Christ who lives within me, the same Jesus Christ, the only Jesus Christ who continues to be love... This love is Christ, and Christ is always here!

Soli Deo Gloria, Soli Deo Gloria! 

I am in Christ, and Christ lives within me. I am blessed with every spiritual blessing in Christ. Nothing can ever separate me from God's love because I am in Christ. God is for me; therefore, who can be against me? Not even condemnation can dare to come against me for I am in Christ, who has set me free of my sinful nature! 

God's Word is a lamp unto my feet and a light into my path. Heaven and earth will pass away, but His words will by no means ever pass away. His word declares that He is Faithful and True. Jesus Christ is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords! He is the Alpha and the Omega, the First and the Last, the Beginning and the End... He is the Author and the Finisher of my faith! 

Jesus Christ, who is the beautiful Rose of Sharon, and the mighty Lion of Judah... His Name is the Name above all other names!

I shall never be lost, I shall never be confused, because Christ is my Way! I shall never doubt, for Christ is my Truth! I will not die, but live to declare the greatness and glory of our God, because Jesus Christ is my Life! 

Soli Deo Gloria, Soli Deo Gloria!

Christ, My Core, My Foundation, My All. I am in Christ, and Christ is in me. 

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26