Jesus is a Humble gift.
- Not born as a king, born in a manger.
- When He was growing up, He said, "I came not to be served, but to serve."
Jesus is a Heavenly gift.
- God laid aside His grace to be among men
Jesus is a Needed gift.
- Everyone needs Him.
- It is the sin within us that makes the need.
- Jesus meets that need. He is the Lamb of God that takes away the sin of the world.
Jesus is a Sacrificial gift.
- Nobody took His life. He chose freely to give His life.
Jesus is a Perfect gift.
- Jesus is without blemish, sinless; because of this He is the ONLY one who can die for our sins.
Jesus is a Precious gift.
- He is the Son of God. There is nothing as precious as the relationship we have with God through Jesus Christ.
Jesus is a Wrapped gift.
- Jesus is God wrapped in human flesh, unwrapped when the Baby was born...
Jesus is a Spiritual gift.
- Can't be bought, can't be remade. He's the only gift we can give away but still keep. He is the only gift I have which I have a right to worship.
Jesus is an Unchanging gift.
- Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever. He never wears out, He will never be less than it is. He never has to ask any questions to know about anything about us.
- We will suffer the consequences of our sins, but God will always love us, willing to forgive us.
Jesus is a Universal gift.
- God is not prejudiced. Jesus is for everyone. The offer of Jesus Christ is offered to everyone. He died with His arms outstretched, symbolizing how He is open for the world.
Jesus is a Personal gift.
- He never forgets us.
Jesus is an Eternal gift.
- He always is, and He always will.
Jesus is a Love gift.
- There is no disappointment in Jesus. None. He is the one who always loves you.
This message affirms my knowledge of our God. The fact that He is perfect, unchanging, loving, and eternal should remind us that:
- We are imperfect.
- God's perfection and absolute control over everything will never fade. God's love for us will never fade in spite of our imperfections.
- God's perfection should move us to work towards perfection. He will never fail to drive us and pick us up when we fail, as long as we place our total dependence on Him.
- The Gift of Jesus is open for me and for all men and should be accepted before we even start our eternal relationship with God.
We may want so many things... but that's the only gift we need.
May the Lord bless you and keep you this Christmas.