Green Is Good

January 11, 2009 5:00PM

I got around 30 minutes more before the next service here in the mall starts, and I've already made one striking discovery: Not all tea lattes are spectacular. Or, it takes an acquired taste to appreciate a hot Green Tea latte. It's up there with balut, horse sashimi & sea urchin in my list of things best consumed blindfolded at first. Eventually, you would find out that it isn't as bad as you initially claimed.

No, I've never had horse sashimi. My brother told me about it, though. And no, I've never had sea urchin, but I've heard it tastes like concentrated sea water.

Would my perceptions of these things be any different if I hadn't been given a negative mental preview? I'd like to think so.

It's easy to be swayed by the thoughts and feelings of those around you. This, I've observed, is more apparent when the collective behavior in a crowd is fear. Part of me ultimately gave in to this as I spoke to my first customer for the new account I was under last January 1. All I'd rather say about the experience is that the fear froze me, and God bless Mr. Wafa Kalakas. I hope he gets the service he paid for. Of all the people I could talk to, I talked to someone named Wafa. It was like someone, somewhere was getting back at me... May God bless him greatly. I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I thank God for his life, for making the people he loves happy.

Sorry, I was distracted there for a bit. But oh, I remember how disheartened I felt after that call, how fast my hope & confidence dropped just like that.. But it all seemed to go away after the second call.. God pointed out that He was still there to help out, giving me favor with the second customer I spoke to. It's just like right now; I'm beginning to see the fruits of my efforts to enjoy this green tea latte.

Does constant exposure (in this case, sipping) feign appreciation? I'd like to think so.

God bless you.