Chained to Reaction

Currently my mind is unable to focus on one singular thought that could be elaborated by this blog. There have been so many events happening throughout the day, and I am quite exhausted. However, I have been sitting blindly in front of this "Compose Blog Entry" page for approximately 15 minutes, meaning that something has to be said.

When I reflect on the last 5 words of that previous paragraph, I recall what I said to my own mother last week: "We all have our own tendencies. Dad has the tendency to act on his impulse. You have the tendency to just say what you have in mind. I have the tendency to be critical about anything."

It hits me now, and this seems to be one of my primary issues... 'internal affairs' sounds better. Ooh, Conspiracy.

That tendency that I have has led me to observing that this behavior that my dad has is one that one of my superiors at works has too. The comment of a good friend of mine assists me in describing this tendency better: "Parang women's basketball team! They all go for the ball wherever it goes!"

Let me let that sink in for a moment. I may not know much about basketball, but I don't recall seeing an NBA game where the center, the point guard, and the three other dudes whose roles and names I forgot all CHASE the ball.

Oh, and let me also remind any of you who were probably offended by my friend's statement that God loves you as much as He loves me, my friend, and the members of certain women's basketball team.

Let's elaborate on that just a little more. Being impulsive in my opinion means acting on whatever you think without necessarily thinking of the consequences or the implications or the effects of the actions on the people around you. And whenever I am included in what I like to call the whims of the impulsive person, I have seen, through feedback and through observation, that being critical only amplifies the stress that I feel.

Once again I am reminded that I could not change other people, but I can control how I react to other people.

It just hit me now. God, I've been a bad son. I intend to change that. In fact, this day has been quite a good day to practice how I control my reactions. This seems to be training ground for what I may face when I get back to work.

Do you like management decisions made out of impulse? Go to your nearest call center. Whoopee!

I'm Joseph Brent Lardizabal, and I approve this message.

Seriously, that's going to go on until the US Elections are through. Oh, please add the US Elections to your prayers. Really.

I'm Joseph Brent Lardizabal, and I approve this message.

Now that I've been observing this tendency of mine, I see that when an event comes involving somebody's impulsive behavior, I am presented with the choice of reacting how Jesus would, or any other way (which oftentimes results in me making this awful face). What I once saw as a 'reflex' is now more of a choice. I believe this choice is promoted by temptation, in the form of thoughts like, "You're gonna let him do that to you? To YOU!?", "How shallow!", or "Does this person really think you're that brainless!?"

Ah, yes. Temptation shows its ugly head yet again. Coincidentally, I just recently communicated this verse to a good friend I met just recently, going through trials as well:

"...And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

- 1 Corinthians 10:13

I pray to God that we all take the choice to react the way Jesus would whenever a situation arises. I personally have the problem of being so irrational and defensive whenever I hear something that I don't like. You may not have the same problem, but I'd like to bring this to your attention. Try to observe what you say - what's the root point that you aim to prove with each statement that you make?

Let's remember that Jesus had so many chances to react in a human way between the Last Supper and the Crucifixion. I don't recall a Bible verse stating, "Then Jesus said "OUUUUCH!"", or "Then Jesus screamed out in pain." (Side Note: He did say "I Thirst", but I assume that could be understood in a better way here).

He could have lashed out against the people torturing, mocking, and hating Him. But He didn't. Because He loves you. Just as much as He loves me. How much does He love you? He went through the most horrible death imaginable, just so that you wouldn't. Someone tell Whitney Houston that THAT'S the Greatest Love of All.

Consider starting or strengthening your relationship with Christ. Take some time to talk to Him. Admit that you have sinned, and let Him come in to your heart. I'm not saying life as you see it will be better, but I assure you, the peace to be felt is nothing short of PERFECT. You have nothing to lose by just asking. God bless you with wisdom.

Something has been said. I can sleep now. God bless you.

I'm Joseph Brent Lardizabal, and I approve this message.