Barf Bag (Below Up Above part 2)

Do you love to travel? I do. You learn a lot. What I have here are just some minor notes (and shots) I took as we went along the tracks, clouds, and stuff.

4:03 PM Mountain Time

'And Jesus came and said to them , "All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me.'

- Matthew 28:18

I probably haven't seen the value of this verse as much before. But once you find yourself on a plane, and if you find yourself in the window seat right where the wing is at, AND if you see the wing shake every now & then, I'm guessing you probably would be just a bit more vocal about your faith too.

That's right, we're on the road (?) again. Contrary to the stipulation mentioned on my last blog, I am in a window seat. However, the stipulation mentioned in my last paragraph leaves me here, facing a blessed & sturdy chunk of aluminum that's helping in keeping us sky-high. The seat and the size of the window are constricting enough, and now that comes in the way of my shots.

I've always found these sorts of trips to be tests of faith. I mean, they ARE exciting, but I am just a little bit more prayerful if an airplane shakes, compared to when a bus hits a bump on the road.

8:57 PM Eastern Time

Touchdown, Atlanta, Georgia. Our flight was delayed by two hours. Thus, we spent a total of 3 hours in the city where BellSouth (Now AT&T) had its headquarters. I look at each and every person here, thinking that there is just the slightest possibility that he or she talked to me, or any other stalwart working for Technical Support. Somewhere out there, someone is troubleshooting. God bless 'em.

On another note, they had CNN on while we were waiting. Hillary Clinton took center stage as she stated her support for Barack Obama. In my honest opinion I saw that her agenda covered the future of the United States only, regardless of its role in the world as a whole. And while I'm on the subject, they featured Barack's brother, who was still in Kenya struggling to make ends meet. I'm just saying that if he couldn't help his brother out, how can I trust him to help the States with whatever he has planned? 'Course I don't know much about US Politics just yet, but I still have a reason to be concerned, especially since the fate of the United States affects the world as a whole, whether we like it or not. Please include the US Elections in your prayers.

I'm Joseph Brent Lardizabal, and I support this message.

11:52 PM Eastern Time

Flight 455 to Pensacola. I finally get a window seat with a view minus the wing. The view is just spectacular - Stars above, clouds below... I wrote about this before, ahd I am still bound by elaborating on this beautiful scene this way.. The HI1 ISO setting on my camera definitely could not take it. Obviously ISO 1600 couldn't cut it either.

See how I tried, and failed - That's the wing (which was lighted by a blinking red beacon light), and the city lights below illuminated the clouds. As mentioned it was quite unfortunate that my camera simply could not take this shot)

God, I need a Nikon D3. And my own 3rd world country. Please?

Oh well... One thing that makes me feel better is that they (AirTran Airlines) have a Christian channel listed on their complimentary radio.

1:46 AM Eastern Time

God bless the Internet. And God bless you. :D