The Bible Is A Dictionary

From the 2011 Leadership Summit

We live under an open heaven - in other words, Jesus truly became our way, our truth, and our life; through His death the veil was torn asunder, and through Him, we have no hindrances, no roadblocks between us and heaven. As saints of Jesus, we carry heaven with us. With that being said, we should no longer think about influencing individuals, but whole nations.

Culture defines how we behave. The culture we embrace has a very big influence on how we define things. Whoever controls definition controls the situation. The enemy knows this and is continually trying to pervert the way the world defines things - when the word 'church' is mentioned, people are more likely to think about a building. The definition of marriage is being stretched to be more than just the union between a man and a woman.

If culture is being infected, it is absolutely necessary that the church should respond with the same words Jesus used to rebuke the greatest temptations: "It is written." We should come with the power of the LORD and truth. We conquer with the blood of Jesus and our testimony.

The Bible is our absolute foundation in this world where words are easily warped to appease the way of the world. We must never back down if it means compromising the Word of God!