Solace in Truth

'Fact is seen and finite
Truth is unseen and eternal'

I find comfort in this theory today. For as what we see has the potential to stir up emotions and to ultimately tear us down, we do not have our hope secure in facts, or what we see. Our hope is a Hope, and this Hope is alive and will never die.

Christ is our Hope, and the Truth upon Whom we stand. Because of Christ, hindi lang po tayo nakakabangon, pero nakakatayo na rin po tayo, nakakalakad tayo, makakatakbo tayo, and man... do we conquer.

That is the Truth.


What is the positive perspective of Plato's saying, 'Necessity is the mother of invention'? Or, is there a Biblical counterpart to this saying? Is it even Biblical at all?

I've been trying to dig deeper into the definition of necessity. For now, I can only say out of my own analysis that 'necessity' as used in the saying is defined more as need - for if you really need something, then you would do all sorts of unorthodox things in order to get it.

Necessity is translated as 'pangangailangan,' or roughly, 'need' in English. Let's take a look at that saying in this light - if you don't have what you need, then you will devise all sorts of methods to obtain it.

Right then and there, we can counter this with, 'Because the Lord is my Shepherd, I have everything I need.' (Psalm 23:1 GNT)

With that said, let us not allow our visions to be founded from lack of what we need. Instead - and this is quite illogical from a world perspective - let our future plans take their inspiration from the Truth that Christ has, and is everything that we need (Side Note: 'All I Need Is You' from Hillsong's White Album is playing right now in Spotify. How crazy is that).

The world says, 'Necessity is the mother of invention.'
Thank God, for we are able to say, 'In Christ we have revelation.'

That is the Truth.
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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26