The Gift Behind Giving

Something going through my mind right now: Something I said earlier this month. Last Saturday, actually. Or was it last Sunday? 

"Another word for investing is 'giving'." 

Replace the word 'invest' in a statement and change it to accomodate the word 'give', and you have sentences that go like: 'You give time to relationships.' 'You give money to companies and businesses.' 'You give your attention to conversations.' 'You give your words in a meeting.' 

I saw somewhere that we communicate a message even when we don't say anything or even when nobody's around to listen or observe. Each and every second we exist in this life is also a time to invest, a time to give. When we sit down and watch a movie, we give time for ourselves. When we agree to join a meeting or a conversation, we give our words and time - our gestures and emotions are not necessarily given out, but they are released nonetheless. 

So I guess the question now is, are we giving to give, or do we give to take? 

The Bible says a lot about loving as we have been loved, forgiving as we have been forgiven... and giving because we have been given much. For us, we give to give, but it's more in acknowledgement that we have been given more than enough in the form of Christ. 

The chorus of a song goes, 

'Christ is enough for me,
Christ is enough for me!
Everything I need is in You!
Everything I need!'

And then

'Everything I need is You
my Beginning, my Forever!
Everything I need is You!'

And still

'You're all I want
You're all I ever needed...'

There is wisdom in knowing that Christ, who loved us while we were yet sinners - Yes, Christ, who paid the ultimate price, who gave all for us not only to be saved, but to have life abundant even in times that our senses perceive lack, death, and misfortune - Christ is all we need. 

Oh, that we would always be aware of this. That we would always tell our souls, declare every day, that Christ is our salvation, our provision. That our Heavenly Father has provisions, mercies that are new every morning, because we are in Christ. 

God, through Christ, addressed our most urgent and most expensive need, even if we never looked for it. Every need, from the smallest to the most lavish, from the immediate expense to the furthest desire.. every need follows. 

Soli Deo Gloria.

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26