Jesus Is The Way.

It's easy for me to be sidetracked, distracted, and/or shaken in the face of task after task piling up, responsibility after responsibility clamoring for attention. I understand that in Christ, I have the power to perform in excellence and the love the endure...

I am now learning that in Christ, I also have sound judgment, discernment that comes only by the Holy Spirit. For too long I have been thinking too much, I have been wrapping my head around the need to determine what takes top priority. By God's good grace I have been humbled enough to realize how I need Christ to not just look and hear through me, but to think through me as well. 

As this week continues, I intend to just focus on the Lord above all else, knowing that in Him is life, and this life is my light. 

Jesus is really the light of the world. As I am in Him, I shall not walk in darkness, but I have the light of life. To God be all the glory forever and ever. 

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26