Full Circle (Jesus Is The Life)

For many weeks now I've been going straight home during Wednesdays, to avoid participating in our prayer meeting, and recently to dodge joining the youth fellowship as well. But, well, God is just so good. He makes all things work for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. 

Here's what happened. Last Sunday I was surprised to see a good number of young people who attended fellowship that a good friend and I used to handle; they attended one of our regular afternoon services. Now that I think of it I immediately saw the need to fellowship with them again, that we would edify each other as we went along with our lives. So I told them to join the Wednesday youth services, and consequently, I had to tell them that I would be there as well. 

And just a few hours ago, I was there at the youth service, when I could have been home. Nobody I called showed up, but I just think now that the message that was shared was for me. 

It touched base on the Galatians, who were confronted by Paul in the Epistle with the same name; Apparently a number of members of the church Paul established were beginning to live and spread that believing in Jesus Christ was not enough for salvation - that works such as circumcision were necessary. Paul was pretty straightforward in telling them that their salvation was based on righteousness. Righteousness by works and the law was impossible (made more impossible when Jesus Himself said that our own thoughts of lust were already counted as adultery), but righteousness by faith, i.e. believing - believing in Jesus Christ's finished work which restored our standing with God - that was not just available, but free-flowing! 

Lately I've been struggling - uncertainty got to me. Confusion hit me, and when I thought I found my way by remembering that I have righteousness through Jesus, I was going down the wrong path. Thanks to what I heard, I was reminded, yes, reminded that I do not merely have righteousness through Christ - No, I AM RIGHTEOUS IN JESUS CHRIST! He is my righteousness, and consequently, He is my all in all! I lost track of my identity, but praise Jesus Christ, who put us in right standing in God! 

Now, therefore, in Christ, I am walking the Way, following the Truth, and living the Life, not just because of what I have in Christ, but WHO I AM in Christ! I am no longer a slave to sin, but I am made a son, because of Jesus Christ! Praise Him forever and ever!

Now I feel restored. More confident, and actually more able to face the future, because of the life Christ gave me. It is, indeed, no longer I who lives, but Christ lives in me. The life I live, I live by faith in the one who loved me and gave His life for me. 

Jesus Christ, You are my Savior. Take all the glory forever and ever! Halleluyah!!

email me at jibee@rocketmail.com

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26