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Death Ray over Red Lobster |
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Thundercracker |
Yup, we're going back to HDR-Land for a bit. I will leave these shots edited as they were whenever I spent time on them, which could be years ago.
One of the best ways to end a day in my book is a good meal followed by a relaxed shot. Last 2008, I had the opportunity to enjoy this combination during one evening in Pensacola. My cousin Nelia treated us to a local 'super-buffet' (pay $10-$15 depending on which specific all-you-can-eat restaurant to dive into their good-enough spreads), and as we walked to the parking lot we were treated to this sight: the descending sun trying desperately to make its light known through some pretty thick clouds.
These are some of the shots I've been meaning to post in some way or form, but one thing kept stumbling into the way - my pride. I wanted these shots to be in some portfolio of my 'greatest' shots but for years I've been thinking about how to define a 'great' shot in my book.
I intend to answer that and get so much more deeper in a message I've also been intending to write about for the longest time (hindered by procrastination) and present in a small book. There will probably be some shots in the book, and I suppose a way to start 'selection' is by posting all of the shots I appreciate on this humble blog. By God's grace I will see what to put.
"Commit all your ways to the Lord, and your thoughts will be established." - Proverbs 3:6
Father, this blog is for Your glory. I lift it all up to You for Your Name and Your Name alone to be praised.. In Jesus Christ's Name I pray, Amen.
email me at jibee@rocketmail.com.
May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26