A Challenge


This morning I was blessed to meet pastors from many other churches here in Baguio; we all had fellowship in the annual Pastor's Day held by the Philippine Christian Bookstore (PCBS) over at UB Square.

I remember buying Chick tracts from that same exact place when I was in first year high school - 1995. I must say that was one of the many events leading me to where I am now in my walk with Christ, and a certain feeling of accomplishment was present as I took part in celebrating with the same establishment some 16 years today. To God be all the glory.

After recognizing the pastor who was in ministry for the longest time (42 years!) I was surprised that the emcee called for the 'youngest' pastor in the house - I haven't been in this for barely a month, and nobody was ordained later than I was, so I was called in front. Again, to God be all the glory.

As part of recognition I was given the privilege to choose 1 book out of a stack they were giving away, and I took the one that caught my eye: "A Man After God's Own Heart: God's Relationship With David And With You", by RT Kendall.

After the event, I made my way to Pastor Poppo's cafe, here in Pop n Mac. I started reading, but right now I find myself typing instead.

Why? After barely finishing the second side of the first page of the second chapter (the first chapter being the introduction), I encountered a question: "will you do everything God wants you to do?"

I tried reading more after that but I felt like I was being dragged back to say what must be said about that question. Only then would I be able to proceed.

That question convicted me of my recent actions; I pictured God having so much in store for me, and I was only being blessed to an extent because instead of consistently reading His Word and convening with Him through prayer, I find myself playing Asphalt 6 on the iPhone, if not facebooking, or other things restful in the eyes of the world, but not spiritually nourishing.

Since dad left it was an unspoken mandate for me to take charge over many things he left to be finished. I'm not complaining; in fact, I'm thankful that I can still be on my toes, gaining revenue (somehow) and being around to supported my mother all at the same time. This indeed is a new chapter for me as much as it is for our whole family; New blessings and challenges (which are blessings in their own way, praise God) loom over the horizon, and the Word of God truly keeps us all on our feet as trial after trial attempts to bash us down.

One thing I have been led to see is that there are certain trials that do not have victories as immediate as we expect most of our battles to won. I remember it being mentioned on the blog previously that if the enemy cannot capture you by tempting you, he will keep you from being of use by keeping you busy. I'd like to add to that today by saying that if the enemy does not get you the first time, he will keep on assaulting you, in ways ranging from frontal assaults to the most subtle of lies, to wear you down enough to leave an opening.

In this time I call our 'new chapter' I believe that one lie that the enemy is trying to slip in to our family and to me as an individual is: "you've been working double time, go ahead and rest - isn't that what the Bible says?"

At first that seems like a sensible suggestion, but we need to remember that rest as defined as the Bible can be so different from the leisure that this world offers. Jesus said it best - going to Him and dwelling in His presence is rest.

Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. (Matthew 11:28, 29 NKJV)

My main point here is that we need to keep our hearts and minds focused on the Word of God, that we would have discernment and the proper defense against the attacks of the enemy, in any form.

I saw a sticker once that stated, "Do not be afraid of moving forward. Be afraid of standing still." Dear reader, you move every day. Every step you take brings you closer to hell or closer to God. And every step you take that brings you closer to God is a victory in its own right, whether it be a major life-changing decision or a choice between spending your time watching TV or in prayer with the Creator of the Universe.

Will you do everything God wants you to do?

That's the question we should all ask ourselves as we live day after day. It is my prayer that you and I will answer with a wholehearted "yes!" every time.

To God be all the glory.

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