Resting Assured

Show me a man who has no trials, and I'll give you a shovel to bury him accordingly.

I remember mentioning that we have hope while we have life; we should also respect and recognize that trials will always be there until the last second of our life.

Oftentimes the difficult feelings that accompany these problems are further amplified by our own speculations. When we are constantly bombarded by the what ifs that we hear, we should always be vigilant; it helps to look down and remember where our feet are planted... For while we act as masochists, ironically indulging in what our minds are left to imagine regarding the outcome of what we are currently enduring, we cannot step forward in faith.

Remember that old song that goes, 'Jesus, you're my firm foundation'? It's been a while since I knew it, but I'm only recognizing the value behind it now. What it tells me is that I may have difficulties in my current trials, in my current choices, in the distances I have to endure, in the relationships I need to examine and commit to God, but I must also remember that His ways are truly greater and deeper than my own. My own definitions of what can happen are limited by my fallible and sinful nature.

With God, all things are truly possible. I know Paola will be ok through all this... May the Lord continue to be glorified as He continues to answer my prayers according to His Will, not mine.