
The more you entrust to the Lord, the more He entrusts to you.

The more love you give to the Lord, the more love He gives back to you.

After all the failed relationships and all the failed attempts at relationships, and after all the rejection I took from the women I thought were wonderful for me, I made the decision to love the Lord. At first it came out as me just repeating myself... But then again, I never really stopped to say 'I love you' to God. I aimed to keep saying it, and as I kep saying it, I began thinking that it really didn't make any sense at all if I kept saying it but I never practiced it. Love required consistency in order to be real, and I just pushed to keep loving the Lord, surrendering to Him, giving it all to Him.

The more you entrust to the Lord, the more He entrusts to you.

Being a team leader/coach in the call center industry places you in a position where you would make decisions considering the welfare of the people who follow you, the quality of the service you provide, and the resources all of it takes. These considerations are not very easy to balance and organize, and one wrong decision can have grave and irreversible effects. This responsibility was one I never wanted to take, but as I entrusted my decision to stay in Manila permanently to the Lord, it was one step I took that opened my eyes to so many lessons I wouldn't have learned had I stayed in my comfort zone.

The more love you give to the Lord, the more love He gives back to you.

I decided to stay. This meant I had more time away from my comfort zone (Baguio), more attention given to the Lord, and more time to tell Him I loved Him. Through all this time I have seen how He demonstrates His love through thick and thin. Blessings are little bits and pieces here and there representing God's grace and His great love for us, and challenges come to draw our attention to Him, to run to Him and cry out to Him, effectively strengthening our faith as we believe that He is the light at the end of the tunnel. I love Him more and more, and He knew what I needed more than I did.

God gave me Pao, and I simply love Him more for this. I mean, I love Pao, but I simply cannot
deny the Lord as being my first love. As I love Pao more, I rely on Him more, and as I follow the Lord more in our relationship, He continues to bless us. We keep reminding ourselves how important it is to stay on the path, to respect the God who gave us our relationship.

I believe tithes aren't limited to money.

The more love you give to the Lord, the more love He gives back to you.