
Sometimes having a lingering and unexpressed thought in your head takes a good deal of your attention to keep it lingering till the time it is expressed. Sometimes these thoughts just have to linger until the appropriate time comes. If a thought makes such an impact on you, it would be a whole lot better since you really wouldn't have to wait for the words to come to your head while you express it. If the impression of a particular thought comes to you strong, the words literally flow out like water.

Right now I am not thinking one of those thoughts, but I still feel like it should come out. Perhaps my dwelling too much over it added complication to what used to be a simple thought. I thought too much over a thought, and unfortunately up until now it remains to be a thought. Overanalysis led to procrastination, and eventual frustration.

When my dad was in the military, a good deal of his time was spent dealing in logistics, or simply the management of resources. This involved the appropriation, distribution, and maintenance of goods, information, and other similar items in order to ensure optimal utilization. I may not know much about this science, this skill which involves so much, but I believe my dad would agree with me when I say that putting too much resources over one objective, or rather devoting too much of something over something is wasteful.

One example would be my hair, which was pretty damn long before my two month hiatus. When the lady cut it off in a ponytail, and as I held it up, I noticed it had some considerable weight. To think that my head supported that clump of hair for a good amount of time appalls me. This was compounded by what my dad said just a few days or so ago, about how hair can take the body's nutrients. What I honestly considered as a trait which made me stand out slowly became a parasite. My unfortunate (and extremely painful) bout with boils during my trip to the States could be proof of this.

And as this thought lingered in my head, I continued to think of other things in my life which were bringing me down simply because I had them. It's funny how a lot of things surface when you try to think of things you can get rid of, without considering sentimental value. I recently realized that if something is worth remembering, all you really need to do is remember. What you keep to serve as a 'reminder' could be known as something else sooner or later - an idol.

Perhaps the incorrect appropriation of attention over what I have has led me to believe that some things that I have are dead weight. Consequently, I have probably been giving other things too much attention. Depending on how that goes, I either get too proud and arrogantly possessive when the attention I give gives me satisfaction which isn't necessarily from God. But if it isn't a question of giving proper regulated attention, it can also just be a deal of me getting rid of what isn't needed so I can concentrate on what really matters. Either way, I raise up what culling I will be doing in the future to God before I actually start. The good Lord who happens to be my Unfailing Provider has recently shown me in many ways that too much of something is bad. The good Lord who never lets me go will also guide me in letting go. Of what, I don't know.

I'm thinking that I'm having too much of this job. Have I overstayed my welcome here?
I posted too much pictures. Maybe I should go through them and learn more about what is appreciated the most.
I have too much songs saved on my computer at home. Maybe it's time for me to free some space.
I probably have too much of some other things. A garage sale could probably help. One man's trash could be another one's treasure.
Maybe I talk too much. Maybe I expect too much from a conversation.

...Maybe this blog is too long. Maybe my point has been driven too much. I raise all of this to God.

God loves you. Talk to Jesus.

God bless you.