Revelation for Dessert

Around 6 hours ago, my head hurt like anything, and I'm quite inclined to think that this was because my eyes were strained. What a familiar, inconvenient feeling.

I take 2 painkillers, per advise of Doctor Pep, my brother. I'm quite inclined to think that the reason why I couldn't sleep right now is because they were probably 'No-Drowse'. What a familiar, inconvenient feeling.

Well, it's not exactly as inconvenient. I've gone through my Bible. I've prayed, and I'm still not sleepy. Perhaps this is the best time for me to go ahead and blog.

I've been itching to write since I touched down, but I guess that some things require additional events and revelations to occur through time to be performed perfectly, if not to the optimum. I was previously advised to live my life with God, one thing which continues to be a cornerstone upholding what beliefs I have. However, it took prayers from friends and an opportune chat with my pastor that really served as a jump start to healing.

I'm thinking that Pastor Poppo thought that merely living my life with God was going to be something counterproductive. He looked right through me, knowing that this would probably lead me into an endless cycle eventually leading to resentment among other ugly things. There had to be something else involved in the equation, and this, in his words, would be an act of faith.

To cut a long story short, I took the act of faith. The healing process has begun, and I have never been happier. It turns out that some of the healing involved me doing something as well. And isn't this quite true in all sorts of medical cases. I mean, if the medicine is willing, and if the spirit is weak, I'm thinking even a headache wouldn't be healed. The person who wishes to be healed eventually has to do something. And something has been done. Now revelations have been shown, and the power of the Word has manifested. This has all been in God's plan, as this verse was revealed to me along the way.

"Where there is no revelation, the people cast off restraint; but blessed is he who keeps the law." - Proverbs 29:18

(If it was kept from me any longer, I would have snapped, had it not been for God's support)

"Like cold water to a thirsty soul, so is good news from a far country" - Proverbs 25:25

(This trip proved to be significant in God's plan)

Not only am I lifted up back into place through 'good news from a far country', but I am also directed, more motivated, to continue walking in His path. The first verse mentions that keeping God's law, or simply obeying Him, produces blessings. I am seeing that right now.

We had lunch over at China Super Buffet. The spicy chicken was good. So was the won ton soup. And their strategy of serving plain old peaches turned out to be quite effective. That was also the first buffet I've been to where soft-serve ice cream was an option. But what took the cake was the fortune cookie I got. My niece got the very first one I grabbed, but the one I eventually took knocked my socks off. It said: Devotion is worth the effort at this time.

I just felt like this had to be said. The future looks brighter now. It really does. And I don't need to look at my DNA to say that. God, in His loving kindness, has once again demonstrated His all-superior wisdom through all that is happening in my life right now. I couldn't say I know everything, but right now I have faith that things beyond my wildest dreams are coming into place. It strengthens me to keep on keeping on, for the God who never chose to let me go.

I close this blog with a verse you might be familiar with:

"Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest" - Matthew 11:28

Do you have some lingering questions in your mind? Give them to God. The help you get will come at you in a way you probably would never expect, in His perfect timing.

May you find the revelation you seek. Maybe I can try sleeping now with some results.

God bless you. God bless us all.