Pushing a Point

Define Deja Vu. Actually, lemme just go ahead and look it up in Wikipedia. It is the experience of feeling sure that one has witnessed or experienced a new situation previously. Deja Vu seems to be French for 'already seen', or so it says.

Here's something I recalled posting the last time I was here in the only province of the Philippines far far away from the 7,100 islands a.k.a. California:

"Last night I was sitting down typing for the sake of blogging in my jammies while watching Iron chef. Talk about deja vu happening approximately a year after."

This sounds so familiar. Right now I'm on a couch, using a leased laptop, watching Iron Chef, blogging. Lightning seems to strike thrice in a situation. Crap. Emeril is next. I'm sure he has fans. I'm not one of them.

That seemed to be a whole lot better to say compared to 'Emeril sucks'. Apparently there are things you wish would repeat, and there are things you learn from and leave it at that. Case in point? I just mentioned them. Right now, blogging just like at least 3 times before (while watching Iron Chef and sitting down) is quite a pleasure, despite an unexpected bout of extended jet lag (brought about quite possibly by having too many beers before the flight) and the unfortunate results of sitting on your ass for too long (let's just say that's.... a literal pain in the ass). Case in point for something you've learned from? Well, the whole 'Emeril sucks' fiasco. I could still say it, but for some reason, through the many things I've learned from the elders of the Good News Community Church, I'd rather speak blessings upon him. God loves him as much as He loves me. End of story.

...And that's really what I want to talk about today. I just want to say that we're all better off speaking blessings towards people who've given me trouble in the past. Sure you can go ahead and speak your mind and mouth off against someone even if you know it won't get to him, but trust me when I say when you reap when you sow.

It took a whole day for me to live for me to actually finish that previous sentence. Well, I'm still watching Iron Chef, the difference between yesterday and today is that they were duking out with Suckling Pig as the theme ingredient yesterday. Now it's Giant Lobster. And I just checked. Yep, Emeril still comes after this. Hey, God bless the Fine Living Network.

Here we go again. When you think about it, it seems to be a whole lot easier to say, 'God bless the Fine Living Network' instead of 'What the hell is wrong with that channel, why the hell did they go ahead and take out the instrumentals from Backdraft and replace Iron Chef's theme music with crap, why did they still hire Emeril, they suck.' Complaining takes a whole lot more words to express. Complaining may give the victim a headache. Complaining oftentimes gives ME a headache. Complaining is the human way to react to something. I wanted to point that out because through the 24 years of life I've been blessed with so far, I have seen that we have significantly greater tendencies to react based on self, rather than really thinking WWJD. Had we learned this earlier, had we applied blessing instead of yielding to self earlier, I guarantee you that we would have had happier lives right now.

Unfortunately, we are all guilty of abusing the only thing we truly have control over this whole world (And I quote Charles Stanley on this): How we react to whatever is thrown at us. I'm guessing I've discussed this in a familiar manner many times before, but it seems so much more applicable now, with the current situations I have. But going back. We are all guilty of pride, over the false sense of control and power over anything. And right now we are reaping what we have sowed.

'Least I am. I am currently in a tricky fork on the road of life, where chapters of misery have ended, and chapters of revelation have been opened. A situation which could have driven me to a silent, brooding frenzy of envy and hatred (one thing some friends in my past may have seen) has been presented. I see the difficulty of the situation, but unlike the countless familiar situations which have been successful in bludgeoning what heart I have left in the past, I choose to react to this by seeking God's kingdom. By praising the God who gave me this situation. By raising everyone involved (including myself) up and leaving everything to God who has total control. Take note I never said this would be easy. But still. It's a whole lot easier than relishing in the pain.

Unless you're a masochist.

If that be the case, I can choose to quote the fat African-American momma from Bad Boys II: "You mothaf*ckas need Jesus!"

BUT even that would be stupid. I just thought it was funny. But seriously. God bless you. God bless you.

In the words of Neil Buchanan (that marvelous Brit that hosts Disney's Art Attack), try it yourself. I'm sure I'm not the only human being in this world who has these sorts of situations lined up for them. You won't be any better by complaining and eventually cursing all things around you. You'd be part of the problem and not the solution. (I was just WAITING for the time to say that time. Whoopee!)

Perhaps this is why this sort of scene happened a lot in the past years. Apparently Iron Chef has its effects on how I blog. Ah well. God bless 'em. Learning is good. Hope you learned.

God bless you!