Ode to my Camera

I was talking to Dox a few minutes ago regarding looking for more... opportunities... to practice what abilities I have regarding photography here at work. It was mostly me just psyching myself up, but Dox was graceful to be quite matter-of-factly with me by saying.. 'Just ask her' (or something to that sense).
I want mudel.
"Excuse me?"
Hahahahaha. Sorry Dox, couldn't resist. Anyway.
So I tell Dox, 'Lemme try that out', and I walk around, going to an area I was really supposed to go, but looking for what I'd like to term as a 'chance encounter' along the way.
Turns out that as I was walking to this area (which was in fact a training room) I caught the eye of that one prospective mudel that I had in mind. We exchanged smiles and waves, but that was it.
The voice in the back of my head goes 'AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHH!'
I walk in the training room, looking like an idiot with a face full of all sorts of emotions. I walk out of the room after a few seconds, and see a friend of mine (Leo) who has his own interests of delving into photography (anyone have a camera to sell btw??). I just tell him, straight up, "when we establish ourselves as photographers in this place, we'd have so many opportunities!"
Healthy discussion ensues. I notice Ms. Prospective Mudel is on her way out, and is passing our way. The stage is set, this is the 'Chance Encounter!'
The following is a recalled transcript of how I used this 'Chance Encounter':
Brent: "....I mean, we can approach anyone here, and we can ask 'em if we can take their picture!.... (turns) Hey there, J..."
Ms. Prospective Mudel a.k.a. J: "Hello.." (continues to walk away)
The voice in the back of Brent's head: "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!!!"
Right now I'm just patting myself in the back by assuring myself that there would be more chance encounters in the future. Now I'm thinking, I wouldn't even be in a situation like this if I didn't have my humble D40.
But when I think about it more, I would probably still be smoking, if not for my D40.

It's wonderful. This D40 helped me get rid of so many bad things, and added so many good things into my life.
This thing is a God send. I'm glad I got a camera.