One Down

It's an extremely cold night we have tonight; The stars are barely out, if not totally covered by a low blanket of clouds slowly rolling above, following the direction of the slightly powerful gusts of wind that plagued the city for the whole day. I could look up to verify how bleak it exactly is outside, but all I see is white; White paint covering an intricate pattern of splattered and flattened cement on wood, A.K.A. my ceiling. The ceiling of my room in a 3-floor house that has stayed warm and upright (har har har) through around two dozen typhoons over the span of 3 years, more or less.

The warmth I feel right now is not from what I am wearing, nor is our house equipped with an electric or gas heater... No, what makes me warm right now is the feeling of triumph; I have conquered my own complaints to myself regarding being unable to find an item: A tape, or any peripheral which contains the complete 12 tracks of the Gunter Kallmann Choir Christmas Sing-In.

Those of you from this (once) beautiful city we call Baguio may remember that about two years ago these songs were played nonstop in a stand-out yet pleasant volume through the speakers placed in each overpass, the one in Malcolm Square to be specific. The first track with the opening song "We Wish You A Merry Christmas" was also used in various advertisements during the time.

The whole set of these songs mean so much to me, in the sense that they reminded me of the happier, carefree days of childhood; And I'm listening to them right now.

I have tried turning the world I had upside down in the areas it was possible to do so to find this album; The frustration I felt for the past two years of not listening to something which significantly affected how the season became genuinely memorable was a constant thorn in my mind, along with many other reminders and thoughts being put on hold due to all sorts of circumstances.

So you got yourself some songs you were looking for after a long time. Big deal.

You can say that, but I choose to believe that these songs are representations of the pleasant possibility that you can always be caught by surprise, regardless of huge number of angles you can place into consideration and act upon. I literally forgot about these songs when the stress derived from my job made me prioritize more relevant issues. And, lo and behold, I finally found this thing that I was looking for in the same place that contributed to me forgetting them.

I imagine there's a dusty list of things left undone, things left alone, somewhere in my mind, abandoned possibly with no chance of following up on. The search for the Gunter Kallman Choir Christmas Sing-In was one of these items, and, once again, I felt emotional triumph after I listened to The Season Of Winter again. Trust me when i say that the smile on my face laster for 15 minutes straight.

I was happy. To me, that was a big fulfillment. And speaking of going back in time to supplement your emotional health... I'm gonna need a digicam or something more reliable when I pass by Brent.

Damn it, it's not yet too late to finish this year good.. (cue barbarian warcry)