The Letter

"Believe me, son. Haven't seen it mahself, but it's all ah got left to live for."

It was Christmas Eve. The world was in a frantic, near glorious frenzy as midnight loomed.

He was just as confused. The words of the rugged man in his dreams echoed on his head for the longest time, leaving the man puzzled; How could one throw away all care and regard for his own life for a belief that did not have any true, potent proof in apparent and visible reality? How could he place all his hope in something that comes only after throwing everything he held dear after the years that have withered his body and enriched his mind?

He could be wrong. He just couldn't be right. He would fall down and die just like the rest of the world that braved the tightrope. Nobody can deny that. Everyone must fall. Small and big, strong and weak, rich and poor, all must fall. No human being has walked the tightrope - no, nobody in the human race has walked the earth from its creation straight up until the present.

Everyone must fall. Surely he was aware of this tragic fact? Why, he thought, in the name of all he knew was holy, did he see him? Why, of all things, did he remember how peaceful his face was as he turned away seconds before he was blown off to the pit where all must go? Will he not fall?

"Fall... down, or off?"

He remained silent in thought.

"Everyone falls off. Some never fall down."


I know you can hear me.

"He will not fall down."


"I am the net"


"I can save you."

Who are you?

There was no answer. He laughed at the gobbledygook of the supernatural, but he was no atheist.


His anxiety had to be masked as he smiled to welcome his mother to the study where he was. In her carefree ignorance of the the technologically advanced world, she handed her son a piece of paper, and said in plain tone,

"Could you email this to your brothers?"

It's funny how a messenger takes in the message more than the recipient does. One could probably not count how many times he stopped while transcribing this epistle.

My Son,

Hi! Christmas is fast approaching - a time of Joy, a time to celebrate and a time of thanksgiving - To thank God for sending His Son to save us from all our sins. For God so loved me, my husband, my friends, my relatives, and you.. that He sent His only begotten Son... Isn't that awesome? He loves you - all of us. And we are to radiate that love to everyone around us. It breaks my heart that things are not well with you and your life. How I wish I were there to talk to you. So I've been lifting you all up to the Lord in prayer since I knew about it. Harden not your hearts. This unforgiveness, bitterness, resentment, or whatever you may call it - it is of the devil. It is pride. Remember, pride was the reason Lucifer fell from heaven. Let's follow Jesus. What better way to show Christ that we love Him by obeying Him - To love because He loved us. We all saw the Passion together. We watched - how He uttered not a word to defend Himself - how He made sure His mother will be cared for - how He forgave even those who nailed Him to the cross. As Christians (followers of Christ) He said we are to follow Him. Let's obey Him so His suffering would not be in Vain.

By ourselves we can't love the unloveable, those who hurt us, etc., but by God's grace because we are in Christ; We can. Don't listen to thoughts in your mind: How hurt you are, how bad your job is, etc. Remember the mind is the battleground of spiritual warfare. The devil will take every opportunity out of the situation by putting thoughts in your mind to make you even more angry and hurt - Thank God the devil can't read our minds.

Unforgiveness will lead to bitterness so guard your hearts. I beg of you to make everything right this Christmas - ASAP. Let peace and love reign. Make God smile by Him - loving, forgiving, and making peace. Refuse to follow the devil's ways of unforgiveness, contentions, hate etc. As Christians we're also to respect and acknowledge authority. Your job is your job. Your boss is your boss. Whatever they do, they will be answerable to God. We all are for our actions. Our reactions to situations is our choice. Let's choose Jesus. He's our example. In everything, let's ask, "What would Jesus do?" Do what's right and not go by your emotions (Not negative). Love your job. Love your dad. Love your boss. Pray for him. You know, unforgiveness and rebellion to authority among others are sever ways to block the blessing that God has in store for you.

Remember, the choices we make here on earth point to where we will be in eternity. Our earthly life is like a drop of water in the ocean of eternity. To choose unforgiveness, to be hurt, etc. is not worth it. Besides it hurts Jesus and if we really love Him we'll follow Him. I know - I've been hurt myself so I know how it feels. but I've learned that it is wisdom to go to the Lord in prayer and obey Him. It shifts the focus on ourselves and back to Jesus - where our eyes should always be. So let's live everyday in preparation for eternity with God.

I hope you still have the Daily Bread I gave out last Christmas. Please read the letter in the inside first cover. You may want someone close to you to read this or opt to talk to them about it - loving and forgiving others. Let love, joy, and peace abide within you first and foremost. If anyone does something wrong, please resolve the issue in a gentle loving way, so the person will not feel bad and angry - self pity and all.

Always keep the peace then let that love among you radiate to others - relatives, friends, co-workers, etc. After all, the angels sang - Peace and Goodwill to men during that first christmas. A Merry Christmas to all!

I Love You All,


PS Keep praying and reading the Word.

"I am the way, the truth, and the life. It is all up to you to choose."

These were the last words of the voice.