Reading makes a whole man, speaking makes a ready man, and writing makes a precise man. I can further attest to that last statement, especially considering that when you put your thoughts on paper, everything that is necessary comes out, with all the impure unnecessary stuff being discarded. With that being said, I wish that Mr. Bacon had said something about photographing. What does photographing make? Does photography move in every individual as it works with Guy Tal, who writes primarily, with shooting and photography as a further outlet to what has been written down? 

I intend to try that. 

Starting now. 

Recently I have been reminded of how our mountains, how our problems are more than just reminders of how our God is so great and mighty, and of how Christ's finished work totally covers all things and then some. No, according to Joseph Prince, in his revelation for this year 2016, these hindrances, these problems are bread for us to eat. The bigger the problem, the bigger the bread, and sure enough, we will come out not just victorious, but full, thanks to Jesus. 

"..And do not fear the people of the land, for they are bread for us. Their protection is removed from them, and the LORD is with us; do not fear them." That was from Number 14:9, English Standard Version. What's so beautiful about this passage is how we are being brought back into the truth of who we are in Christ: That because of Him and His finished work, our enemies - the powers and the principalities of the air - are not to be seen as threats, but prey. Their defenses are down, and our Redeemer is with us - for these reasons, we shall not fear them . Because of Christ, we are alive in perfect love. As we are united with Christ and He is in union with us, we are always in the presence of our loving Father - and as there is perfect love, so there is no fear. 

For this - For Christ in us, and us in Christ, we flourish. We no longer work to be in His presence, but we move, and we stride, and we conquer, knowing that we are in Christ, and in Christ we have our being. We no longer work to stay in His presence, but we can do what we do without fear of rejection, knowing that Christ is more than just with us, but He is closer - He is alive in us, and for this we are guaranteed that we are with our Father, on earth as it is in Heaven. 

Boy, I just need to keep on writing this, if only to preach to myself. For temptations abound and folly is present and expanding in this world slowly slipping into darkness... but no, we choose not to groan about the giants. No, we choose not to live by sight! We choose, by the power of the Holy Spirit - alight in us as the burning bush that blazes but does not consume, gushing out of us as streams of living water - we choose to walk by faith, living, knowing that this life we live is no longer ours, but Christ's life within us! 

When I have trouble flowing in this truth, I ought to keep on writing it. I ought to keep on preaching it to myself. Let the faith arise, let the faith continue to take root as the Word, as Christ and His finished work is proclaimed, exclaimed, in word, in worship, in tongues, in action. For indeed, from Him are all these, and to Him are all things. 

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26