Day One Of Three-Six-Five, 2015.

Our God reigns supreme. His glory - His love seen through His wisdom and power - goes beyond what we as humans, the created, can ever perceive as reality. Our God is great and mighty. His love and peace go beyond anything we can ever understand and/or comprehend. 

Yet He is for us. He is for us, and He loves us dearly. He is for us, for He shows it through His love, a love so wide that it is for all, yet so deep that it saturates everything that consists of our being. His love is seen ultimately through His only Son, Jesus Christ. He was born of a virgin, lived among us, tempted in every way yet without sin. He gave His life in exchange for the death that we all deserved - He literally became our sin so we would become His righteousness, fully restored and renewed. 

This righteousness aside from the law is for those who believe in the absolute salvation that we have now in and through Christ, who did it all for us. It is because of this righteousness that we are able to come boldly before the throne of grace. with a Spirit of power, love, and sound judgment - it is by this Spirit that we cry out, 'Abba, Father!' 

We are boldly able to run to our Daddy, not because we are good, not because we do good, but only because Christ is good, and He does good. Just as David remembered his covenant with Jonathan when he took Mephibosheth in, to restore him, Christ's finished work introduced a New Covenant - His blood was shed for the forgiveness of sins, that all who believe in Him would not perish but would have everlasting life. 

Because of Christ, we have everlasting life. We no longer have a life with a limit, but a life that is everlasting and eternal - a life that goes beyond time, not out of our own efforts, but because of the goodness and lovingkindness of our eternal Father, manifested in what we perceive as reality through the complete and finished work of Christ. 

On the cross, our Savior cried, 'it is finished!' 

The name of our Father in heaven is forever hallowed and glorified. Through Christ, His supernatural kingdom manifests, and His perfect will is done here in the natural, on earth as it is done in Heaven. Christ is our Bread of life, our daily bread. Through Him we have been completely and unconditionally forgiven, and we are consequently willing and able to forgive as He has forgiven us. He does not allow us to be tempted more that we can handle, and He is faithful to provide us with a means of escape. Though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death we shall fear no evil, for Christ, our Lord, our Good Shepherd, is with us to deliver us from evil. 

On the cross, our Savior cried, 'it is finished!' Therefore, to Christ has been given the name above every other name! To our God alone be the Kingdom, the power, and all the glory, forever and ever, amen! 

We live a life totally dependent in Christ - a true life, a life abundant through Him. It is His life that we live. In Christ we move and find our being. In Christ we are made more than conquerors, completely fearless and totally inseparable from our Abba Father's perfect love. 

Oh, that we would always, always take this Truth in at all times! Oh, that we would continue to be transformed by the renewing of our mind, brought about as we continue to wash ourselves with the Word, the Gospel, the Good News of Jesus Christ, our Savior! Oh, that we would literally take this whole year, 2015, captive before the obedience of Jesus Christ! 

Oh, praise the One, who paid my debt, and raised this life up from the dead! 

For though I am in this fallen world, subject to the end and the death of all things including all of me, it is Christ who lives within me, this Christ that stands, this Christ that stays even if heaven and earth pass away! He is my very present Help in time of need, my Fortress and my Strong Tower! All praise and glory to Jesus Christ, my Savior, my strength, my wisdom! All praise and glory to Jesus Christ, my Way (THE Way), my Truth (THE Truth), and my Life (THE Life)!

For though the enemy tries to steal, kill and destroy, God's love still stands, and my identity in Christ remains! His grace is greater that my sin! His grace abounds so much more, even when sin tries to abound - this sin, which is dead and crucified to the cross! This sin, this sin is dead and powerless, and I am alive in Christ - truly, truly, He makes all things new! 

Oh, that this Truth would continue to grow exponentially in our hearts and minds, manifesting exponentially, in the super-abounding manner of our limitless God, especially in this new year, 2015! Oh, that we would press on towards the goal, forgetting what lies behind! Oh, that we would press on towards the goal, the prize of the upward call of God in our Savior, Jesus Christ! 

All praise and glory truly belongs to our Father, and to our God alone.

Doctrines abound, but let Christ be our One Truth this 2015. Amen. 

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26