Thera-typing, 2014

Sometimes, all you have to do is type. Type, type, type... until you lose all awareness of self, until you yield to the power of the Holy Spirit. It's nothing that's theologically intimidating... it's really just getting lost in words for Christ to find you. The following may not make any sense, but it helps. It helps me, at least. God bless you. ~JB


Today is one of those days when I couldn't wait until the white area where I can start typing is fully loaded. It's not that I know exactly what I need to be typing but it's just that there's so much in my head, and somehow, some way, it's all going to have to come out. That's how it should be. Whatever's been in my mind has to be released in order for new ideas, new visions, new direction to flow in naturally. 

What's on my mind? Well, it's just that I've noticed that there's so much happening in me, around me, here and far away. I couldn't help but notice... yes, an escalation of frequency of events. Things are happening, things are happening. 

In the midst of all this, I just have to say that God's grace and love stays. It's not like it never faded. It's not like it never weakened. God's grace, God's love - the Father's love never, ever, fades away. 

It's what we need during this time. We would do well to start here where Christ said, 'It is finished.' - at the cross, where He demonstrated the greatest love that could ever be given. 

Not sure where I'm going with this, but I'm just going on and on and on before I need to go somewhere. Hopefully in the amount of time I have I would be able to churn something out that would mean something to someone. That someone could even be myself.

Lord knows I need vision, even at this time. Lord knows I need direction. There's so much to do. 

I yawned and stopped for a few seconds there. Now I'm being driven back to typing. Typing, typing, no sentences, no words before me, just thought after thought coming up real time, nothing really tangible at least to my standards, nothing making sense, at least in my opinion. 

But it was never about my standards, or my preferences in the first place. It was, is, and will always be about Christ. Christ in me, the Hope of Glory. Christ, the King of Kings, the Lord of Lords. Christ, the Lamb of God who took the sins of the world. Christ, who introduced the Kingdom of God in our midst. Christ, through Whom our Father's name is further hallowed, through Whom His Kingdom is established, and His will done on earth. Christ, our Daily Bread, the forgiveness of our sins, the power enabling us to forgive. Christ, our escape from temptation, our deliverance from evil. It is all about Christ - His is the Kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever, amen. 

Sola Scriptura. Sola Fide, Sola Gratia. Solus Christus. Soli Deo Gloria. 

It is His breath in my lungs, His blood in my veins. I have been slain in the Law, and made alive in Christ, my Savior. It is no longer I who lives, but Christ who lives within me. This life I live I no longer live for myself for it is all through Christ who loves me and gave Himself for me. 

Christ is my holiness, my righteousness. Christ is my complete and absolute salvation. Christ is my Provider, my Provision. Christ is my Victor, my Victory. Christ is my Healer, my Health. Christ is my all in all. Christ is enough for me. Nothing can ever separate me from the perfect, everlasting love of my caring Almighty Father, because of what Christ has done. 

I believe there is power in the tongue. I believe there is power in declaration. There is power in the confession of the mighty works of God, and in the character of our Savior, Jesus Christ. There is power in speaking, there is power in typing all this.

Right now, I just find it pretty calming. I find it therapeutic. There is peace in this. Not that I work for this peace, but because I already have peace in Christ, I can work from it. 

Like I said earlier, there are lots and lots of things going on in our lives that could weigh us down, or even cause us to stop completely. But I say that we are able to move ever forward because of the finished work of Christ. Our Savior guaranteed our life, and even our abundant life, and I believe this is true even when our hearts refuse to believe. This is true even when our senses fail to see any sign of it. The fact of the matter is that everything is temporary, but the words of Christ shall never pass away. 

He said, 'It is finished,' and it really is finished! There is nothing left to add to the work of Christ! Halleluyah!

Oh, bless the Lord, of my soul! Bless the Lord, all that is within me! Praise the Holy and glorious name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ! Praise His wonderful, magnificent, holy and righteous name! 

Speak forth His word, oh my soul! Speak forth His promises! Find rest in His love, find rest in His grace and mercy! Praise God, from whom all blessings flow! Praise, praise to the heavens, to Christ! Halleluyah!

Earth has no sorrow that Christ could not heal. Speak forth His word, oh my soul! Speak healing! Speak prosperity! Speak provision! Speak direction! Speak forth His word, that the heavenlies would hear! Speak salvation! Speak knowledge and understanding! Speak foresight and sophistication! Speak! Speak! 

The Lion of Judah roars towards those who remain silent in the darkness! Speak forth! Speak! Oh, my soul, you have received wave after wave of God's amazing love, wave after wave of His amazing grace! Speak forth His love! Declare His grace! Declare His goodness! Share the good news of the Kingdom of God! Let the Kingdom of God be established in all areas of life! Let the Kingdom of God be established in all that is! Halleluyah!

Halleluyah! What a Savior we have! What a great and glorious Lord we have, our Savior Jesus Christ! Our chains are broken, and we have been revived - not merely healed, not merely fixed, but we have been made new creations through Christ - the old has gone, and behold the new is here! Halleluyah!

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26