Pouring It Out

Christ is truly the Prince of Peace. Even in these perilous times, we can stay at peace, knowing that Christ is with us. All that we have to stay focused on is the fact that the God who created all that is, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the God of Israel, Yahweh, the Great I Am... He is our Father, and He loves us. 

I'm agreeing with Paul Ellis in declaring that the Gospel can be made this simple - GOD LOVES YOU.

That's all we need to hear right now. Though we hear of beheadings, rapes, crucifixions, wars, epidemics, conflicts, drama, desperation, rejection, suicide, death and sin, we MUST continue in moving from glory to glory, being transformed by the renewing of our mind by the power of the Holy Spirit, who reminds us with every breath that we take that GOD LOVES YOU. 

When Christ was crucified, judgment and wrath that was supposed to be ours to suffer was placed on Him instead. When He said, 'It is finished', the veil separating the Holy of Holies (where God's presence resided) was torn from top to bottom and - this I believe with my whole heart - it wasn't about us being able to get inside God's presence more than His actual glory seen in Him absolute love UNLEASHED upon this world! GOD LOVES YOU.

I believe that as God created time, He Himself is not bound by time. Because of this, I believe that Christ's finished work - His life, death, resurrection and ascension - was an act that was not bound by time as well. This causes us to declare with confidence that our sins have been forgiven - past, present, and future! Praise God, because it doesn't stop there! GOD LOVES YOU.

With this we can declare that because of Christ's finished work, God's absolute love has been unleashed upon our past, present, and future! We can say with confidence that our past has been covered, He is with us at present, and a bright future is guaranteed in Christ! GOD LOVES YOU.

That's what's been going on in my mind for the past weeks. I give God all the glory, for He alone deserves it. These are exciting times we are living in. 

Soli Deo Gloria. 

P.S. Praise God for just gently leading me to His word. I promise you, I will place more and more in my articles as I read more. Halleluyah. 
email me at jibee@rocketmail.com

May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26