Checkpoint 4.75

Fontana Resort, Clark Field, Pampanga. A beautiful place with trees which exude power and wisdom. They may not have fruit (not in my observation, at least) but they do wonderful in providing shade from the lowland sun. 

As we are moving towards expressing the promises of God through the photography shown on this page, one major revision in my workflow is to prepare a message before selecting which picture is to be used in the next sample.

Samples? Why do we call them Samples? I suppose we are showing part and not the whole glory of God; one thing that is impossible to capture is the whole glory of the Lord in one exposure. Absolutely impossible.

I chose to do a checkpoint now to make that clear. I recently posted an excerpt of a Christian comedian, Michael Jr., on my original blog. That was from a podcast where he co-shared a message with Pastor Miles of the Rock Church, concerning our gifts.

Right now I couldn't help but think about what the Lord told me some years ago concerning writing and photography. I am led to believe that these are two gifts from the Lord, and that I have unfortunately toyed around with them for my own gain for the longest time. Anyway, what I remember was 'write about salvation, and shoot about God's promises.' There was another point when I was pondering about how my walk with Christ and the blessing of photography were linked - I started off pretty good, writing a good foundation while on my way to Colorado, but it stopped there. There was one point that the word of knowledge for me was to 'finish what was started.'

Michael Jr. is a Christian with the gift of comedy. He related how his ministry of comedy was made exponential (at least in my view) when his mindset was changed - When he made the choice to give people a reason to laugh, as opposed to taking energy from the laughter. I couldn't remember his exact words, but he was blessed as he made the choice to prioritize giving instead of taking.

In the light of my last post, I have seen how I have strayed from using what is given to me in the light of the Source - that I have prioritized taking attention instead of actually blessing people with scenes to remind them of the love of God, and the hope we have in Christ alone.

It is my prayer that this site and the pictures posted here would continue to give God the glory, as more and more people are drawn to Him through His promises displayed through His awesome creations.

God, be praised in and around all. In Jesus Christ's Name I pray, Amen.

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May the Lord bless you and keep you. May the Lord make His face shine on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you His Shalom. - Numbers 6:24-26