Let us differentiate being complacent from being still, as the psalmist was in Psalm 46:10. Complacency is letting our guard down by going our own way, nudging God out of front and center. Complacency is taking God for granted and stepping out of His presence.
There are times (especially for me) when I would accomplish so much more if I did as my dad advised: to take one step back and two steps forward. In other words, I would shy away from immediately jumping into the fray (as anyone who trusts only in himself may do is almost all cases). I would value the deliberate slow start, assessing where assessment is due, seeking counsel in areas unknown, and most importantly, seeking God's heart in the matter. As I wrote that last vital step to take I imagined that was one example of being still and knowing who God is.
There are cases where we see a gradual manifestation of the Lord's grace as opposed to an instant miracle. I believe I am seeing an example of God's grace being shown one step at a time during these days in my own personal life. And though I am excited to take life's DVR remote and do some fast forwarding, I feel that in this particular case I should not value the light at the end of the dark valley more than the fact that I serve THE God who is faithful and able to direct me every single step of the way.
Let it be made known that our dependence on God though Jesus Christ of Nazareth is never a weakness - no, what the world sees as foolishness is our source of strength. Indeed, if we wait on the Lord, our strength will be renewed.
Up until now I thought I had answers to all the questions that came my way. Now there are questions that I don't know the answers to, until I found out I didn't need answers - I needed a solution, and the one solution to everything here on earth is to dwell in the presence of the Lord through Jesus Christ, approaching His courts with praise and thanksgiving. We ought to lose sight of our problem, of ourselves; we ought to lose ourselves entirely, laying it down, raising our hands up in praise, and the Lord who is always faithful and merciful will come through.
I'm not sure how to end this.
God bless you.
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