Reasonable Delay

Remember that God answers prayer according to His will, in His perfect time. That doesn't necessarily mean right away. What you pray for could come 20 years later, and all we have to do is have faith in the fact that His will would be done. Take heart, for even if we do not get the answers we seek, God gives us the answer we need.

Wait upon the Lord, and He will renew your strength. He will not allow you to be tempted beyond what you can handle; He will provide a way out if you are tempted to give up or give in. If we have faith, we can be assured that He will stay true to His Word that He would never leave or forsake us. Faith is the substance of things unseen, and the way to understand and enhance faith is to consult and apply the Word of God in our lives. It's not just a book. It's a manual. It's a guide. It's a rule book.

May the Lord bless you this week.

When you have the time, check this guy's shots out. He's another Christian photographer.

John MacMurray