To The Rescue!

It's easy to sin. It's also actually as easy not to sin. It all really depends on what decision you make, and this is where the battle is being fought. I cannot deny that every believer is at war - we have our own individual wars against the enemy who constantly and mercilessly comes at us with all sorts of weapons, through all sorts of tactics. We are at war against an enemy who has had success over countless members of the human race since the temptation of Adam and Eve, and it is literally impossible for us to have victory by ourselves.

It is no accident that lately I've been going through the final book of the Bible, the book of Revelations. I simply could not end this day without declaring how amazed and how overwhelmed I was with awe, simply picturing what the Word has to say about the One who fights for us:

"And I saw the heaven having been opened, and lo, a white horse, and he who is sitting upon it is called Faithful and True, and in righteousness doth he judge and war, and his eyes are as a flame of fire, and upon his head are many diadems--having a name written that no one hath known, except himself, and he is arrayed with a garment covered with blood, and his name is called, The Word of God. And the armies in the heaven were following him upon white horses, clothed in fine linen--white and pure; and out of his mouth doth proceed a sharp sword, that with it he may smite the nations, and he shall rule them with a rod of iron, and he doth tread the press of the wine of the wrath and the anger of God the Almighty, and he hath upon the garment and upon his thigh the name written, `King of kings, and Lord of lords.' "

- Revelations 19:11-16

The only hope we have is in Jesus Christ. It's just amazing that He did everything and will still do everything for us - He ensured our salvation by taking our place, suffering the awful punishment we should have had for our sins. Through this He ascended to be at the right hand of the Father, to return in glory to ensure total victory over evil. Just as we should push forward for the prize, we push forward recognizing and rejecting sin, because we already have victory, and it is Jesus Christ who fights for us! What an awesome Savior we serve!

We no longer live for ourselves. This is not our body to sin with, but to glorify the One who saved us!

May God continue to bless you!