No control. No mind. All faith.
I have no control over the mind of a person. I have no control over people I love. I have no control over the people around the people I love. I have no control over anything that happens to the people I love.
Why should I mind what I think about these things? Why should I be bothered if it isn't in my control in the first place?
God knows what is on my mind and is faithful to act. All that I have control over is my attitude, and how I react to everything else that is not in my control.
Shouldn't that be enough to know? In the face of all that intimidates me through events involving the woman that I love, should I now be still, and know that He is God?
A lack of conviction in saying 'Yes' means that I have an equal lack in faith. God knows the hearts and minds of men, and He definitely knows what is in my heart. In my mind.
I choose to control what I could, and leave all the consequences to the Lord. He is my firm foundation. He is my stronghold, my Rock upon which I stand.