When the thought of sin enters one's mind, the suggestions of instant gratification, the temptations of immediate pleasure are greatly amplified, and one could not help but bow down to the desires of his flesh.
Willpower and all other sorts of human methods to resist looking at that porno site, taking that extra puff, and/or downing that last shot simply delay the inevitable. Sin comes from a foe who has practiced his styles and methods ever since the fall of man, centuries ago. It is quite pointless to take on sin head-on.
As one willfully gives all of himself to the Lord, He is faithful to teach him more and more about His character. The Lord is faithful to demonstrate His grace and love in greater areas of the life of His servants. The more a man gives, the more the Lord gives back, entrusting more and more blessings to be passed on for others to know and believe in Jesus Christ. As soon as a man trusts in his own strength to stand, there is always the possibility for him to fall, to sin. However, God uses those times for the good. See, if you believe in God, and if you just pursue to uphold and develop your relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross, then you would understand that everything happens not for your glory, but for His.
A person who criticizes the act of pursuing a greater relationship with the Lord through Jesus Christ doesn't know the peace that comes with it.
I can say that I have experienced that peace, and I seek for more and more of it every second that I live. However, when I fall to the suggestions of sin, and when I put my self in the center of my life for just that moment, the feeling of being separated from God by sin takes away all hope from me. It is a feeling that invokes great anxiety... You call out to God all you want, you say you're sorry, and you keep saying you're sorry, but you're stuck with this painful, empty feeling.
It is not in the Lord's will for His children to be bound by sin. Jesus paid for the price of our sins at the cross, and therefore ANY power that sin has over us is declared void. Therefore, we cannot say that we are overcome by sin when we sin. We chose to sin. Fortunately, the Word gives us hope, as Jesus gives us hope:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
- 1 John 1:9
I confess that I was actually about to see more in a porn site until the Lord was gracious enough to remind me how much He loves me, and how much He hates sin. Charles Stanley says that God hates sin because He knows what it can do to us, and I have to agree with that. It is not by my might, nor is it by my power, but it is by His Spirit that I am victorious. To God be the Glory.
May God continue to bless you and give you favor.
Willpower and all other sorts of human methods to resist looking at that porno site, taking that extra puff, and/or downing that last shot simply delay the inevitable. Sin comes from a foe who has practiced his styles and methods ever since the fall of man, centuries ago. It is quite pointless to take on sin head-on.
As one willfully gives all of himself to the Lord, He is faithful to teach him more and more about His character. The Lord is faithful to demonstrate His grace and love in greater areas of the life of His servants. The more a man gives, the more the Lord gives back, entrusting more and more blessings to be passed on for others to know and believe in Jesus Christ. As soon as a man trusts in his own strength to stand, there is always the possibility for him to fall, to sin. However, God uses those times for the good. See, if you believe in God, and if you just pursue to uphold and develop your relationship with Him through faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice on the cross, then you would understand that everything happens not for your glory, but for His.
A person who criticizes the act of pursuing a greater relationship with the Lord through Jesus Christ doesn't know the peace that comes with it.
I can say that I have experienced that peace, and I seek for more and more of it every second that I live. However, when I fall to the suggestions of sin, and when I put my self in the center of my life for just that moment, the feeling of being separated from God by sin takes away all hope from me. It is a feeling that invokes great anxiety... You call out to God all you want, you say you're sorry, and you keep saying you're sorry, but you're stuck with this painful, empty feeling.
It is not in the Lord's will for His children to be bound by sin. Jesus paid for the price of our sins at the cross, and therefore ANY power that sin has over us is declared void. Therefore, we cannot say that we are overcome by sin when we sin. We chose to sin. Fortunately, the Word gives us hope, as Jesus gives us hope:
"If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."
- 1 John 1:9
I confess that I was actually about to see more in a porn site until the Lord was gracious enough to remind me how much He loves me, and how much He hates sin. Charles Stanley says that God hates sin because He knows what it can do to us, and I have to agree with that. It is not by my might, nor is it by my power, but it is by His Spirit that I am victorious. To God be the Glory.
May God continue to bless you and give you favor.