Before the Squeeze

Just when I thought that I was 80% sure that I would be staying here in Manila, my trip to Baguio a few days ago brought me back up to 50/50. Time to re-evaluate my situation, and being in a circumstance like this is rare because I can't seem to write about it with the gusto that I usually have when it comes to other times.
Been doing a lot of thinking lately. Thinking, thinking, thinking. Praying, praying, praying. That helps a lot. It fills that empty feeling inside you when you're clouded by confusion, when your confidence wanes with every question left unanswered.
What's the best prescription to this uncertainty?
I wouldn't know. But I'm being sent back to trial and fire. Trial and fire equals a 9 hour shift starting at 2:00am, when support is scarce, and when agents are many.
Pressure makes diamonds.
To God be the glory.
God bless you.