The Start

**This was what I submitted for our department's newsletter last month - It may be watered down, and may God forgive me. I hope it helps you, though... - Brent**

We've all heard that the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. Unfortunately, that's all we've heard from that person who said it the first time. We don't really hear about what happens when the single step ends with us breaking our ankles. We don't hear much about how many steps need to be taken after the first one.

Maybe we wouldn't need to know more about a journey, and all that we need to know is how willing we are to take the first step. When all of us were younger I could probably say that all the decisions we had to make were made without much consideration, seeing as we had so much support. The decisions, the journeys we had to take were shorter, and less difficult. As we grow older and as reality makes its face known to us more and more, the decisions we would have to make, the journeys that we need to take, have more bearing, more significance.

...Or so it seems. Sometimes the journey also ends as soon as the first step is taken, in the sense that we take every fiber of our being and put it on the line on the ordeal we are placed to face, regardless of what perils, what risks may come as we keep walking. Perhaps we've taken too much and clinged on to what we have as we grew up. Perhaps the greatest obstacle we have in our trials, our journeys, is our pride.

Think about it. The distance between where you are and where you want to be could just be a step away.