Somebody Stop Me!

Someone somewhere in the past told me that I think too much. Up until now I wouldn't really know if that was a good or bad thing.

It causes delays, I tell you that. One example is this blog. If you had access to the actual administrative tools of this site you'll see a whole bunch of drafts, thoughts semi-placed on paper just clawing and screaming their way out of my mind and slapped online, in an attempt to be posted and therefore immortalized.

The thinking involved here revolves around the analysis of how people would react to a post, or if the thought projected was worth devoting some level of thought above our usual functions; Ah, hell. As of the moment my struggle involves a dream and the thought of how some people could react if I posted about it.

Usually I'd say a post is a good post if I have no thoughts or doubts in the back of my head advising me of possible future conflicts or pain caused prior to clicking the 'Publish' button.

...And now that I realize it, I have been having these small 'wait a minute...' thoughts more often when I blog. Am I thinking too much, more?

I guess so. As I was typing that last sentence down I thought genuine concern for others was an alternative theory, only to conclude that concern was thinking, when you think about it ("If I had dollar for every 'think' Chinless Wonder type!").

Now. Am I wrong in thinking too much? Am I EVEN thinking too much? Or are there just some things that can't be posted?